VideoManager + Sales Menu Help Topics
 Add New Stock Item

Modify Stock Item

Check Out

Cancel Sales


Add New Stock Item

This menu option adds a new stock item. It is useful when there is new releases or a copy of the existing video arrives. There is provision for storing the stock type,  item name, quantity in stock reorder level, purchase price, selling price, tax details etc. When the user click the ‘Add new stock item’, a window will appear for entering the item details as shown in Fig 74.


Fig74.  Add New Stock

      After entering all the entries, press the Add button and then a  message box will appear asking  “Do you want to add another item to the stock”. If your answer is Yes, then you can add another  item to the stock otherwise you can exit from this window.


Modify Stock Item

This menu can be used for modifying and deleting the stock details. Click on this menu if you want to modify the stock type, item name, quantity, unit price, reorder level etc. of a particular item or deleting an item. You can print the renewed form immediately or later. When you click the ‘Modify stock item’, the following window shown in Fig 75 appears.


                                    Fig 75. To Select an Item

  If you have selected an item from the above list, press the OK button to modify and Cancel button to exit. If you press OK, then you will get next window which is as shown in Fig76. This window has the provision for Modifying and Deleting  items.

  If you click the Save button, a message box will appear asking ‘Do You want to save changes’. If you press Yes, then the changes will be saved. Otherwise the window will be closed without saving . If you do not want the item anymore, you could use the Delete. If you make such a choice, then a message box will appear asking  ‘ Are you sure you want to delete’. If your choice is Yes , then the item will be deleted. If you press No , the item will not be deleted.

Think twice before you delete because you cannot retain the data that are deleted. You can click the Cancel button if you do not want to delete or modify.  


                       Figure 76. Modify Stock Item

Check Out

    This menu allows you to sell the required items by your customers. For selling items, select the items and specify the quantity. If your customer does not want the selected item or if he wants another item, you have the provision for deleting or adding before making the sale. To attract your customers, you can add discount to the items. The window as shown in Fig 77 contains the details of items such as item name, stock type, quantity etc.


                  Figure 77. Item list

From the above window, select an item and press the OK button. Then next window will appear as shown in Fig 78.


                    Fig78. Add to Basket  

           This window will  help you to specify the number of item your customer has selected ( ie Quantity sold). After this, if you click Add to Basket ,  next  window will appear asking ‘Do you want any other items’. If your  answer is Yes, then  you can select another item  and  if your answer is No, then  next window will appear with the items  that are added to the basket as shown in Fig 79.


                                      Fig 79.  Sales CheckOut  

    This window allows you to add /delete items according to your requirements. If you press the Delete button, that item will be deleted from the list, at the same time you can add new items to the list by pressing the button labeled Add.You can specify the discount in the above window before making the sale. Press Check out button for getting the sales receipt.


   If you do not want to  make the sale, click the Button labeled Cancel, then a confirmation window will appear asAre you sure you want to cancel this dialog’. If you click the button labeled Yes, then you will exit from this window and if your option is No then window remains as shown in Fig 79.


Cancel Sales

  When the user click the Sales canceling menu, a window will appear for entering the Bill No as shown in Fig 80.


           Fig 80. Sales canceling


If the user enters the bill number and press OK, he will get a window as shown below. If the user press the Cancel button, then the user  will exit from that  dialog.

                              Fig 81 Sales canceling dialog

If the user enter the entries and press the Roll Back button, he will get a message box asking ‘Are you sure you want to Roll Back the item ‘. If the user presses Yes the item will be roll backed (ie removed). If the user presses the No button, the item will not be roll backed. If the user presses the Cancel button in the above dialog, he will exit from the dialog.